Traineeship proposal form

To successfully organise and run the traineeship, the receiving institution should appoint responsible persons with roles described below. Please note that one or more roles can be played by the same person at the receiving institution.

Description of roles at the receiving institution

Please note that one or more roles can be played by the same person at the receiving institution. The receiving institution should appoint responsible persons with the following roles:

  • Administrative contact person: provides administrative information within the framework of EMOS traineeships. He/she will be the contact person for exchanges with DevStat.
  • Traineeship mentor: designs and guides the trainee's work, provides support, encouragement and all information needed to the trainee (including culture of the organisation).

Institution identification

Administrative Contact Person

She/he provides administrative information within the framework of EMOS traineeships. She/he will be the contact person for exchanges with DevStat.

Traineeship information

The level of language(s) competence that that the trainee should have by the start of the mobility period.

Note that the trainee must be proficient in English (minimum B2 level knowledge required according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) or other working language of the traineeship host.

Traineeship Mentor Information

She/he designs and guides the trainee's work, provides support, encouragement and all information needed to the trainee (including culture of the organisation).


The receiving institution shall:

  • Appoint an administrative support contact person: a person who can provide administrative information within the framework of EMOS traineeships. This person ensure that Traineeship Agreement is signed at the appropriate level of each hosting organisation.
  • Appoint a mentor: the role of the mentor is to be closely associate to the work of the trainees in the subject area, provide support, encouragement, and information to the trainee on the life and experience relative to the receiving institution (culture of the organisation, informal codes, and conducts, etc.).
  • Provide working space and tools
  • Provide access to the data necessary for performing the traineeship
  • Upon completion of the traineeship, undertake to issue a traineeship certificate specifying the dates and the department the trainee worked in within two months after the end of the traineeship.
  • Upon completion of the traineeship, commit to deliver a final report.